The Beginning
The story begins in 2018, with a young man who have an interest and curiosity in ice cream-making in a country-side called Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. Later, with a little amount of money and expertise, the young man decided to build his first ice cream shop in a side-walk of the street, called Calgary. The business grows up very well, with the founder courage to learn more and applying numerous improvisations into its product and their best-selling menu such as flavored ice cream swirl and ice cream frappe, the brand gained notoriety among the local young community and residents.
Moving On
Calgary plans to leave its comfort zone in 2019 and start with a brand new name and product in Pekanbaru, which will later be known as Kalgarys Gelato, after gaining several recognition in Payakumbuh. They began selling gelato and ice cream frappe with a handcrafted ice cream cart in Bundaran Keris, attracting a large number of new customers. Kalgarys finally got its own "New Home" on Jl. Mustika.
Strive to Survive
The beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia is a nightmare for everyone in the middle of 2020. It has a wide-ranging impact, particularly on businesses of all sizes. Kalgarys' low income does not prevent him from going further, such as releasing a new pre-packaged version and so on.
Present Time
After regaining power, Kalgarys started to grow their company by establishing a franchise. Many people who genuinely wanted to be a part of Kalgarys responded favorably to this move. The number of Kalgarys locations in the province of Riau has increased to six in just six months, and it will continue to rise.